Monday, May 18, 2015

Do Now 5/18

     When I get older I want to be a fire fighter. It is not only going to fulfill my own dreams, but i am going to help others with fire in their house or buildings! This will benefit the whole community because i will be a hero to everyone and it will feel so good when i help everyone. People will trust me with anything because they will know i am a good person. 

Friday, May 15, 2015

'The way in which Facebook is contemptuous of the private lives of its members and of all Internet users demands action,” said Willem Debeuckelaere, president of Belgium’s Privacy Commission.

Belgium’s privacy watchdog sharply criticized Facebook, saying the social network company treated the personal data of its users “with contempt” and had failed to cooperate with regulators investigating its privacy controls.
In preliminary recommendations published Friday, the president of Belgium’s Privacy Commission warned it was “make or break” time for Facebook to respect the private lives of Internet users.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Web 2.0, Do Now: May 11

     If I had an invisible cloak I would do many things. First I would help clean up the streets. I would also help people cross the street. Also, I would help Miss Puff's snail out of a tree. I would help Patrick from the mime that he is really afraid of. All of these people are my closest friends. 
     If I was invisible I would help people with robberies and stuff like that. I would also help old people with things they can't do like cross the street and carry their groceries. The name I would go by is Katie Girl! 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Emergency Medical Training

     If the American Heart Association had its way, every high school student would undergo mandatory CPR and automated defibrillator training at school to help prevent one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. sudden heart failure. Many states have enacted laws encouraging CPR training in schools, which, if implemented, would add millions of trained people to respond in time-sensitive emergency situations. Like when people stop breathing, for example.
     This class would meet everyday for half a period of the lunch. The students would learn CPR and how to use an automated defibrillator. To show that the students are learning they would have tests with dummies and that would test everything they have learned.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Wiki Dissection DM

  1. What is the purpose of this Wiki? - the purpose of this wiki is about technology. 
  2. When was the last post? - April 6th 2015
  3. How was this Wiki created? - signing up and making a wiki
  4. What would you add to it? - better information
  5. What did you learn from it? - nothing
  6. If you had to create a Wiki with a team, what would be the specific topic (s)? - sports
  7. How can Wikis be used in the classroom or in education? - they can be used as sources  

Friday, March 20, 2015

Apple Glass:Venturing into augmented Reality

Apple is working on their own version of Google Glass, as the company is reportedly venturing into the realms of augmented reality. As google glass takes a break after a rather unsuccessful Explorer Edition adoption, Apple is getting ahead in the business with their own glass. According to Gene Munster, an analyst at Piper Jaffray, Apple has already begun recruiting member for a team that will specialize in augmented reality or known as Apple Glass

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Web 2.0 Multimedia blog

Mr. Minnocci is my world history teacher. I have no idea how long he has been teaching here. I expected to learn about the understandings of history. Also, I wanted to learn how history has influenced the world today. So far i have learned about the Renaissance and other important things leading up to the World War 1. Mr. Minnocci is a really great teacher and his grading policy is like other teachers. technology is used in his class by him showing us videos on his iPad on a projector! 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tech Article 2/12

Wear A Heart (Monitor) on Your Sleeve

     This Valentine's Day forget about the roses and chocolate for something that is a more personal token to your love. By combining a cardiac monitor with LEDs, you can flash a symbol of affection with each heartbeat. 
    To contract the heart muscles and pump blood, waves of electricity spread through the organs. Two electrodes on the chest, one on each side of the heart, can pick up these electrical feelings. Heart rate monitors usually feed this information to a screen that shows a signal like an EKG. Now, you can send it to a heart-shaped LED display that will pulse along with every beat. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Welcome Post

Welcome to my blog. Here you will find great tech related articles. Some things that I like are my friend, family, and pizza! I only have one friend and we do everything together... I like going to the mall and Dunkin Donuts! 

Monday, February 9, 2015

Educational Technology and Copyright Law

In this article I learned that copyright is the "work of authorship". That is the United States federal law that protects original writing of someone. Also, i learned that everything is copyrighted as soon as you write it. You do not need to fill out any paperwork or anything. As soon as you copyright the thing you drew or wrote you have these 4 rights:

  1. Reproduce your copyright work
  2. Display your copyright work publicly
  3. Prepare derivative works based on the copyrighted work
  4. Distribute copies of copyright work to the public by sale

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tech Article 2/6

                            Twitter says they lost 4 million followers because of Apple's iOS 8

Twitter is fighting hard to maintain a healthy growth rate and Apple is not helping. Twitter lost four million users last quarter because Apple's iOS8 update. Three million of those users were lost because of a change to the shared links feature in the mobile Safari browser, which displays links from people's Twitter followers. The other one million were "Twitter-owned", CFO Anthony Noto said during Twitter's earnings call, they referred to the issue as an "unforeseen bug in iOS 8 as it relates to twitter integration into the OS" He added that Twitter has a "great relation with Apple"